Obtaining your first home either on your own or with your partner is a very expensive business regardless of whether you are renting or buying; it is also amazing exciting and stressful. Having those close to you offering advice may be irritating but it is wise to take on board the information that they are sharing with you as you may very well find that you are learning something new. However, what you will find is that the help doesn’t stop with the advice, as there are other ways in which these people will want to offer help.
#1 Don’t turn down free items
Furnishing your new home – even if you have not actually moved into it or even brought or rented it – can be a costly business and all of those people, friends, and relatives that are helping you are very aware. It is therefore important that you do not turn anything that is offered to you down. If you feel at a later date when you are in your new home that you do not require any of the items or that you have double of some then you can always pass the items on to others that may require them or donate them to local thrift stores.
You may very well feel awkward about accepting so much from different people in your life but there will be a time in your future when you will be the one offering items to those wanting to spread their wings and you will discover that there is very real enjoyment in helping others feather their nests, even if the items do not stay with that person for a long time.
#2 Your storage is just not big enough
Unfortunately, with this mindset, you may very well find that your stash of goodies far exceeds your allocated space for it, and having some portable storage solutions is, therefore, a must for your own sanity and that of anyone else that you happen to share your current home with. By hiring a portable storage solution, you will be able to keep your stash close to hand so that you can add to it as and when you need to. Not only this, but when you find your new home, your storage facility will be able to be collected from your current home and delivered intact to your new home without any additional hassle of repacking from you. this is very beneficial as you may very well find that you do not have to hire the help of any additional removal companies and can therefore rely on friends and family to help you unload your portable storage box at your new home in a time scale that suits you.
#3 Don’t be afraid to get second-hand items
Even though you may very well desire new items throughout your new home, you have to understand that this is a very expensive way of furnishing a new home as you will be purchasing everything at the same time. It is far better financially to have second-hand items and then replace them as and when you can afford to, taking your time to source the items that you really want and creating a budget so that you can get them without getting yourself into unnecessary debt.
You will also find that most old, vintage furniture is of very good quality, and by choosing to go down the second-hand furniture route you will be doing your bit to support the planet. Using items that are already made and adapting them to your needs is far better than buying a new piece of furniture that has been created afresh, has a large carbon footprint as well as not necessarily being as environmentally friendly as you may initially want.
#4 Make your new area unique to you
Obviously, one of the main bonuses of getting second-hand furniture other than the price tag is that you can make them whatever you want them to be, changing the color or look of a piece is easy, and hiring the services of a qualified upholsterer to recover your couch or armchairs may not be as expensive as you think and will undoubtedly be far cheaper than buying these items new.
Wooden furniture can be rubbed down and waxed or oiled, if you want a bit of color then painting is always an option, and with paints such as Annie Sloan chalk paint you do not even need to prep your item before painting, just make sure that it is clean and ready to go. Changing any handles is also a relativity easy thing to do and with the help of the internet, there are boundless of drawer and door handle designs that can be brought and placed onto your furniture to give it a totally unique look for your home.
#5 Changing color schemes
When it comes to color schemes you would do well to stick to neutral pallets for your large items, this may seem boring to you, but you will very quickly realize that these items are the ones that will take more time and money to change rather than the finishing touches such as throws, cushions, window dressings, and rugs. If you are working with a neutral background these items can be as colorful as you want them to be along with any ornaments or additional items and you will be able to bring in different textures, patterns, and florals as you wish. In fact, you will very easily be able to create completely different looks to match the seasons that you are experiencing without much outlay or work from you at all, therefore keeping your home fresh and yet comfortable for you and any guests that you happen to have.
So, to wrap it all up
Keep your mind open when you have those wishing to pass on items for your new home, second-hand items can easily be changed or played with to make them seem a lot more enticing to you and you may very find that you are given a hidden gem which could very well become your favorite item.